French jewelry house founded in 1858, in Paris, by Frédéric Boucheron (1830-1902). In 1844, Frédéric Boucheron becomes an apprentice at one of the best Parisian manufacturers, Jules Chaise and in 1853 he becomes sales clerck at Tixier-Deschamps, at the Palais Royal, where he settles. From his beginnings, his commercial judgement and his understanding of the trends lend him a certain success. He quickly acquires a considerable reputation as expert of precious stones, master in the art of the technique and of the creation of magnificent jewels.
In 1866, he extends his boutique of Palais Royal and creates the jewellery workshop, under the direction of Jules Debut.
In 1893, Frédéric Boucheron is the first jeweller to establish himself place Vendôme, where he continues to cater to his prestigious clientele. Over the years, Boucheron opens branches in Moscow, London as well as in Japan, in the Middle-East and the Far-East.
In May 2000, Boucheron is acquired by the Gucci group (PPR), one of the world leaders of luxury.